Tuesday 26 January 2016

Roadworks ahead
There is an area of my model which requires a make over.
After removing the buildings and road surface,  I began by cutting new templates for all the footpaths and road surfaces.
The template cardboard will end up as the base for all my footpaths and  roads. Folding the printouts around the templates gives me a even hard surface to work on. I then enlarged the footpath on one of the streets by adding a balsawood infill.
I first ensured that the roads were large enough with a couple of HO cars and trucks.  
I use brick tile like road surface as it is easy to join areas together.
I also like to add extras, like sewer drains and road gutter drains, once again checking that the vehicles fit. It's also good for hiding faults. 
I also updated the road side posters by gluing the printouts to black cardboard.

I then  returned the buildings, cars, people, and street extras.

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